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How DoctorHub - A Readymade Mobile App Solution Can Help You Launch a Successful Healthcare Business

How DoctorHub - A Readymade Mobile App Solution Can Help You Launch a Successful Healthcare Business

The healthcare industry is one of the most dynamic and vital sectors of the global economy, with a market size of $11.9 trillion by 2025. However, it faces many challenges in the form of rising costs, regulatory complexities, skill shortages, and digital transformation. These challenges create both problems and opportunities for entrepreneurs, healthcare providers, and investors who want to enter or expand in the sector.

One of the most promising opportunities is to leverage healthcare app development services to deliver quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services to millions of people. Mobile Health or mHealth is a rapidly growing segment of the healthcare industry, with a projected CAGR of 31.5% from 2021 to 2028. Mobile Health solutions can offer various benefits, such as improving patient engagement, enhancing clinical outcomes, reducing operational costs, and increasing revenue streams.

However, developing and launching a successful Mobile Health solution is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time, money, and expertise to build a robust and scalable platform that can meet the diverse needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Moreover, it involves navigating the complex and dynamic regulatory and competitive landscape of the healthcare industry. This is where a readymade mobile app solution like DoctorHub comes in. Being a comprehensive platform that connects patients, doctors, pharmacies, and labs in one seamless ecosystem, it can help you start your healthcare business with ease.

DoctorHub is designed to be scalable, secure, and customizable. You can launch your app in any country, language, or currency. You can also integrate any third-party service or feature that you need. DoctorHub is the perfect on-demand doctor app development solution for entrepreneurs, healthcare providers, and investors who want to enter the healthcare industry without any hassle.

In this blog, we will explore DoctorHub in detail and how it can benefit you, giving your healthcare venture a significant boost.

However, first, let’s understand how a white-label solution like DoctorHub trumps custom-made solutions.

White-Label vs. Custom-Made Solutions: A Comparison

When it comes to launching a mobile app for your healthcare business, you have two main options: readymade solutions or custom medical software development. Readymade solutions, also known as white-label solutions, are fully developed and tested applications that are ready to use. Custom-made solutions, on the other hand, are applications that are built from scratch according to your specific requirements and preferences.

Let’s see how they compare with respect to several essential aspects:

As you can see, readymade solutions like DoctorHub have many advantages over custom-made solutions, especially for healthcare businesses that want to launch their app quickly, easily, and affordably, without needing to worry about the intricate details of how to develop a mobile healthcare app. They can help you save time, money, and resources, and focus on your core business activities and objectives. Readymade solutions can also provide you with a reliable and proven platform that can deliver quality and value to your customers and stakeholders.

Now that we have established how white-label solutions can provide you with a much-required edge, let’s explore DoctorHub, one of the most efficient white-label healthcare solutions available in the market today, in detail.

What is DoctorHub

DoctorHub is a white-label mobile app solution that connects patients, doctors, pharmacies, and labs – all in one place. With DoctorHub, you can offer various healthcare services, such as online consultations, appointments, prescriptions, diagnostics, and delivery. You can also manage your operations, finances, and marketing with the help of a powerful admin panel.

DoctorHub has four different panels that cater to the needs and roles of different users:

Patient’s Panel

This is the panel that the patients use to access the healthcare services offered by your app. It has the following features and functionalities:

  • Registration and Login:

The patients can register and log in using their email, phone number, or social media accounts. They can also create and edit their profile, which includes their name, age, gender, location, medical history, allergies, etc. They can also upload their photo and verify their identity using OTP or email verification.

  • Search and Book:

As with a typical doctor appointment app development, utilizing this panel, the patients can search and book the doctors, pharmacies, and labs using various filters, such as specialty, location, availability, price, rating, etc. They can also view the detailed profile of each service provider, which includes their qualification, experience, certification, services, fees, ratings, reviews, etc. They can also compare different service providers and choose the best one for their needs.

  • Consult and Pay:

The patients can consult with the doctors online via chat, voice, or video calls. They can also share their symptoms, medical history, reports, and images with the doctors. The doctors can also diagnose, prescribe, and refer patients online. The patients can also pay for the consultation using various payment methods.

  • Rate and Review:

The patients can rate and review the doctors, pharmacies, and labs after availing of their services. They can also view the ratings and reviews of other patients and provide feedback or suggestions. They can even report any issues or complaints to the admin if they are not satisfied with the service quality or delivery.

  • View and Manage:

The patients can view and manage their medical records, prescriptions, reports, and invoices online, along with downloading and printing them if needed. They can view their past and upcoming appointments and deliveries, and reschedule or cancel them if they want to. They can also view their wallet balance and transaction history.

  • Notification and Reminders:

The patients can get notifications and reminders for their appointments and deliveries. They can get alerts for new offers, promotions, or updates from your app. They can also get tips and advice on health and wellness from your app.

Doctor’s Panel

Doctors can use this panel to provide healthcare services to their patients. Following are its features and functionalities.

  • Subscription:

The doctors can choose from different subscription plans to join your app. The plans can vary in terms of the duration, fees, features, and benefits. The doctors can even view and compare the subscription plans and choose the best one for their needs. They can also even renew or cancel their plans.

  • Profile Management:

Doctors can utilize the panel to create, manage, and edit their profile, which includes their name, qualification, experience, certification, specialty, services, fees, location, etc. The panel allows them to upload their photo and documents, such as their degree, license, and ID proof.

  • Appointment Management:

The doctors can use the application to manage their appointments. They can view and update their availability and working hours. They can use the panel to accept, reject, reschedule, or cancel the appointments from the patients. Moreover, the details of each appointment, such as the patient’s name, age, gender, location, symptoms, medical history, reports, images, etc. are also made available to them. They can also chat with the patients before or after the appointment.

  • Medical History:

The panel enables doctors to access patients' medical information. This includes details like symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed medications, referrals, test results, and bills. They can also write down notes, comments, and suggestions in the patient's medical records. If necessary, doctors can share these records with other healthcare professionals or specialists.

  • Earnings:

Using the panel, the doctors have the option to check and manage their income online. They can see how much they earn for each appointment, consultation, prescription, referral, and so on. They also have the ability to track their earnings on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Additionally, they can keep an eye on their wallet balance and review their transaction history. To access their earnings, doctors can use different payment methods like bank transfer or PayPal, and they also have the option to withdraw money.

Admin’s Panel

The admin panel lets you manage and monitor your app, including functionalities like register, login, dashboard, analytics, and reports.

  • Dashboard: A summary of essential metrics for your app, such as users, bookings, and revenue.
  • Manage Users: Functionality to add, edit, delete, and verify users like patients and admins.
  • Manage Doctors: Capability to add, edit, delete, and verify doctors, covering their profile, availability, and fees.
  • Manage Appointments: Feature to view, track, and cancel appointments made by users and doctors.
  • Pharmacy Management: Functionality to add, edit, delete, and verify pharmacies, including their profile, services, and fees.
  • Diagnostic Center Management: Capability to add, edit, delete, and verify diagnostic centers, covering their profile, tests, and fees.
  • Clinic Management: Feature to add, edit, delete, and verify clinics, including their profile, services, and fees.
  • Delivery Staff Management: Capability to add, edit, delete, and verify delivery staff, covering their profile, availability, and earnings.
  • Payout: A feature to manage and monitor the commissions, payments, invoices, and transactions of your app, such as the payment methods, rates, history, etc.

Clinical Panel, Diagnostic Panel, and Delivery Staff Panel

DoctorHub also has three other panels that cater to the needs and roles of the clinics, diagnostic centers, and delivery staff. These panels are:

Clinical Panel:

  • Doctor Management: Effortlessly oversee and manage the roster of healthcare professionals associated with your clinic. Update doctor profiles, availability, and services seamlessly to ensure a well-organized practice.
  • Appointment Management: Stay on top of your clinic's schedule with a user-friendly appointment management system. View, edit, and organize patient appointments efficiently, providing a smooth experience for both staff and patients.
  • Ratings and Reviews: Gauge the performance of your clinic through patient feedback. Monitor ratings and reviews to enhance service quality and address any concerns promptly, fostering a positive patient experience.
  • Personal Account: Access and manage your clinic's account with ease. Update information, set preferences, and ensure that your clinic's details are always up-to-date for patients and administrators.
  • Medical Reports: Efficiently handle and organize medical reports within the Clinical Panel. Access patient records, prescriptions, and other crucial medical information securely, ensuring streamlined healthcare services.

Diagnostic Panel:

  • Diagnostic Appointment Management: Simplify the process of managing diagnostic appointments. Coordinate test schedules, view upcoming appointments, and ensure a seamless experience for patients seeking diagnostic services.
  • Sample Collection and Delivery: While collecting or delivering the samples of the patients, the diagnostic centers can use GPS and maps to navigate and locate the patient’s home or clinic. They can also scan the QR code or barcode to verify the collection or delivery. They can also update the status and history of each collection or delivery.
  • My Profile: Maintain and update your diagnostic center's profile effortlessly. Provide accurate and current information about services, staff, and facilities to build trust with patients.
  • Medical Reports: Access and organize medical reports efficiently within the Diagnostic Panel. Ensure that diagnostic results are easily retrievable and securely stored, maintaining patient confidentiality

Delivery Staff Panel:

  • Delivery Details: Stay informed about delivery details with a dedicated panel for delivery staff. Track and manage deliveries efficiently, ensuring timely and accurate service.
  • My Profile: Let delivery staff manage their profiles. Update personal information, availability, and preferences for a personalized and user-friendly experience.
  • Notification and Review: Facilitate smooth communication with delivery staff through notifications. Ensure the staff receives updates and reviews, enhancing overall service efficiency.

How DoctorHub Empowers Your Healthcare Business

DoctorHub is not just a mobile app solution, but a powerful tool that can empower your healthcare business in many ways. Here are some of the benefits that DoctorHub can bring to your business:

Simplify Your Workflows

DoctorHub can help you streamline your operations and improve your efficiency and productivity. You can manage and monitor your app from a single dashboard, where you can access all the information and data you need. You can also automate and simplify many tasks, such as booking, payment, delivery, etc. You can also integrate your app with any third-party service or feature that you need, such as CRM, ERP, SMS, email, etc. You can also update and customize your app anytime, anywhere, without any hassle.

Deliver Better Patient Outcomes

If you’re a doctor looking for top-notch healthcare software development services, DoctorHub can help you enhance your patient experience and satisfaction. You can offer your patients a wide range of healthcare services, such as online consultations, appointments, prescriptions, diagnostics, and delivery. You can also provide your patients with quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services, at their convenience and comfort. Furthermore, Personalized notifications and interactive content, such as notifications, reminders, tips, advice, etc., keep them engaged, while feedback helps you improve your app for an even better patient experience.

Lowered Expenses

So how much does it cost to develop a healthcare app? Compared to custom healthcare app development costs, DoctorHub helps you save money and operate more efficiently. Since it's a ready-to-go solution, you cut down on development and maintenance costs. Operational expenses shrink too, thanks to better-optimized resources. This means you can provide more services at a lower cost, boosting your overall efficiency.

Improved Returns

DoctorHub isn't just about saving money – it's about making more. You attract and keep customers by offering a range of healthcare services at competitive prices. Expanding to new markets becomes easy and efficient with DoctorHub, and you can diversify your income streams with different revenue channels. It's a win-win for your business.

Why DoctorHub? Here are some key advantages:

  • Ready and Tested: DoctorHub is a white-label solution, saving you time and effort in development. You can trust its proven platform to deliver quality and value to your customers.
  • Comprehensive and Flexible: DoctorHub covers a myriad of healthcare services. Plus, it comes with a powerful admin panel to manage your business. You can customize it to fit your brand and easily connect it with other services you need.
  • Scalable and Secure: DoctorHub grows with your business, handling more users and transactions effortlessly. It's easy to add more features without worrying about performance. And rest easy – DoctorHub uses the latest security tech to keep your app safe and compliant with healthcare regulations.

How to Get Started with DoctorHub

Getting started with DoctorHub is easy and fast. You can launch your healthcare app in just a few weeks, with minimal investment and hassle. Here’s a complete guide on healthcare app development, comprising the steps to get started with DoctorHub:

Connect with Us

The first step is to contact us at WebClues Infotech, a leading custom and blockchain healthcare app development company, and tell us about your healthcare business idea and goals. You can fill out the form on our website, call us, or email us. We will get back to you within 24 hours and schedule a free consultation with you.

  • Expected duration: 1 day
  • Cost: Free
  • Deliverable: A free consultation with our experts.

Share Your Customization Requirements

In the second step, customize your app to reflect your unique brand identity and preferences. This involves selecting your logo, name, theme, language, currency, and more. Additionally, you have the flexibility to cherry-pick features and services, whether it's online consultations, appointments, prescriptions, diagnostics, or delivery. We can also help you with Integration with third-party services like CRM, ERP, SMS, and email.

  • Expected duration: 1 week
  • Cost: Varies according to the customization
  • Deliverable: A customized app plan and proposal.

Launch Your App

The third step is to launch your app and start your healthcare business. Our team will diligently develop, test, and deploy your app on both app stores and web platforms. Alongside, you'll gain access to a robust admin panel for easy and effective app management and monitoring. Our commitment extends beyond the launch, as we provide ongoing technical support and maintenance for your app.

  • Expected duration: 4-6 weeks (Tentative)
  • Cost: Included in the customization
  • Deliverable: A fully functional and ready-to-use healthcare app.

Launch Your Own Healthcare App in Weeks with DoctorHub

You have learned how DoctorHub can help you launch your own healthcare app in a fast and easy way. It can help you develop a healthcare ecosystem that not only meets but exceeds your business aspirations. With unparalleled operational efficiency, patient-centric design, and a secure and scalable architecture, DoctorHub has the potential to take your healthcare business to enduring heights.  

If you are ready to launch your healthcare app with DoctorHub, don't wait any longer. Contact us today and get started with DoctorHub in just a few weeks. To contact us, you can fill out the form on our website or email us at [email protected].

Post Author

Nikhil Patel

Nikhil Patel

Nikhil Patel, a visionary Director at WebClues Infotech, specializes in leveraging emerging tech, particularly Generative AI, to improve corporate communications. Through his insightful blog posts, he empowers businesses to succeed digitally.


Start your healthcare business with ease using DoctorHub

DoctorHub from Webclues is a complete app solution for healthcare businesses. It has panels for all stakeholders, smooth payment processing, and everything necessary for a successful venture.

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